Do you feel that you have an aspiring musician at home? Are you looking for a place that offers Sax Lessons Queens but feel that they are too far from you? Give Strings Sounds Studios a look. We offer at home musical instruction. Our teachers and staff are educated and have plenty of experience in their skills. Our criteria for our teachers include skills like being able to prepare materials and show an approach to instruction on various levels. We evaluate communication skills and work ethic. If at any time you are not satisfied we will try to find a different instructor from the one you currently have. We have a long list of qualified instructors and you can view their bios on our site. For your Sax Lessons Queens we will do our best to also pair you with an instructor close to where you live. Our lessons can run from 30 minutes up to one hour weekly. If your child would like to learn how to perform in a group setting we offer these lessons at our Setauket studio. First time students receive a one month discount. You will find that our rates are affordable. Choose Strings Sound Studios for your Sax Lessons Queens.