BLUES ‘N CLUES: Weird/Odd Blues #2 (redux)
***NOTE: This is a re-do of an old live stream, now with improved audio and video!***
In this updated version of our second Blues ‘N Clues live stream, Michael Violette of String Sound Studios shares techniques, tips and tricks for creating exciting blues guitar solos, including interval skips, and dissonance and resolution. Michael will also share some ultra-hip insights for soloing over chord progressions in the key of B.
If you’re looking to learn some new ideas about playing guitar in the style of blues greats such as Joe Diorio, Pat Metheny, or Robben Ford, then this instructional video is for you! As always, Michael has prepared a great and fun lesson with play-along backing tracks. And if you watch live, you can even ask questions in the chat box! Blues is a fun and important genre on its own, and its techniques and theory can be incorporated into rock and jazz music as well. So join us this Friday, take out that guitar, and follow along!
Our live streams are typically held on Friday evenings. We are currently focusing on guitar, but have plans to expand to other instruments in the future. We will also cover a wide variety of styles including Classic Rock, Rockabilly, Alternative, Pop, Jazz, Metal, Motown, Grunge, Blues, and more. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of them!
- For the best viewing experience, please join us on YouTube!
- This live stream will also be available on Facebook, Periscope, and Twitch.
- RSVP on Facebook for updates!
- More information about our live streams at: